by Baghouse America

How to Select an Industrial Dust Collector

Three things to know before you start shopping

It’s true that there are many affordable dust collection systems readily available, but regardless of which option you choose, it’s still an investment. Ensure you make an informed, confident decision by not only working with reputable industrial dust collector providers but fully understanding your collection needs before shopping around.

Here, we’ll review the three most important considerations to take into account when selecting an industrial dust collector.

But first – what is a dust collector?

In order to make an appropriate choice and sound investment you can benefit from for years to come, you first must understand the overall function of industrial dust collectors.

Industrial dust collectors provide an essential service; they remove harmful particulates from the air, like dust, debris, smoke, or even gasses. What benefits do businesses enjoy from a high-performing dust collector? Improved air quality, enhanced health and safety for employees, and reduced machinery maintenance costs, to name a few.

A range of businesses requires dust collection systems, which means several options are readily available, making it that much easier to find a cost-effective setup that suits the needs of your production work.

Three dust collection system considerations

  1. Know your dust

It’s impossible to shop for an appropriate industrial dust collector without knowing the type of debris you’re looking to eliminate and how that debris is being produced.

Are you dealing with bulky material? Fine particles? Is the debris combustible? Toxic? Corrosive? All questions to have answers to before exploring your collection options.

Knowing the type of dust you’re dealing with isn’t enough; you must also understand how that dust is produced. For example, a large-scale operation with many machines working at once that produce debris over a large workspace needs a different type of collection system than a business that has one localized point of dust production.

By having in-depth knowledge of your dust, you’re better equipped to choose the right technology to safely get the collection job done.

  1. Budget

Another major factor that informs your purchase decision is your budget. The biggest mistake buyers make? Not understanding associated long-term costs.

Don’t only factor in how much you can afford for the initial purchase; be sure to take into account any maintenance costs, replacement equipment needs, and how much more energy you’ll pay to keep the system running.

For example, if you’re considering a baghouse dust collector, are you aware of the cleaning procedures, and do you know how often you’ll need to clean said baghouse? While they are for a high volume of debris, they’re useless over time if not properly maintained.

If you’re working with a system that requires dust collector cages, how often will those cages need to be replaced? What’s the cost of those? If you need a dust collector filter a few times a year, the same questions apply.

Choosing a cartridge dust collector to handle your dry particulate efficiently? Be sure to discuss the long-term costs associated with keeping that cartridge collector up and running with your equipment provider.

Again, thanks to the variety of options on the market, finding cost-effective setups is not a difficult task. Just be sure you know how much you can afford upfront and what you can expect to pay yearly in upkeep and replacement part costs. It would be an immense waste of funds to purchase a system you couldn’t afford to maintain.

  1. Installation and space requirements

The last main thing to consider before you start contacting dust collection equipment providers? Where the system will go!

Yes, there is a range of setups and configurations available, but it’s still important to communicate any space or size restrictions upfront. That way, you don’t waste any valuable time exploring options that aren’t suitable for the space you’re working with.

Remember, dust collection systems do just that; collect dust. Is special equipment needed to empty the system? Do you have the extra space needed to get that job done? Reputable providers can make nearly any space work – just be sure you’re communicating correct measurements so that there are no installation holdups or issues when the time comes.

Turn to Baghouse America for expert assistance

Need help identifying dust types? Have questions regarding costs and upkeep? Not sure which options suit the installation space you have available? Let Baghouse America assist!

As a leader in the air filtration industry with over 20 years of experience, we’re the affordable, full-scale baghouse installers that companies turn to for dust collecting help time and time again. We’d be honored to assist with your air filtration needs, all at a fraction of the cost you’ll find elsewhere. Get started with a Baghouse America quote today!

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